Firmware Download

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Download Type Firmware
Model name VE-PG3
Version Version 2.14
Update Jun.09.2015
Major changes


  1. The default audio levels of the [Transceiver Model] items in the [Port Settings] menu have been optimized.
  2. The firmware update fixes the problem where communication may fail when the VE-PG3 is in the Bridge mode and it is connected to an IDAS Multi-site trunking system.
    1. If you update to firmware version 2.14, you cannot downgrade to version 2.04 or earlier versions.
    2. Setting files made by firmware version 2.14 cannot be used by version 2.04 or earlier.
    3. Make a backup of your current data before downloading and installing the firmware update.
    4. Download and install the Version 2.14 firmware update to manually do the update. See the VE-PG3 instruction manual for details. Download the instruction here.
    5. The procedures to optimize the audio levels with the new 2.14 firmware depend on the transceiver models connected to the TRX and EXT (if used) ports of the VE-PG3.
    6. Access the VE-PG3 setting screen in your web browser and select the [Port Settings] menu. Then click on the [Transceiver 1 (TRX1)], [Transceiver 2 (TRX2)], [EXT I/O 1 (EXT1)] and [EXT I/O 2 (EXT2)] (if EXT I/O ports are used) menus.
    7. In the [Transceiver Model] item, if IC-F5060/F6060 is selected in both TRX ports, the default audio levels will automatically be optimized after the firmware is updated. No further action is necessary.
    8. If the [Transceiver Model] item in either of the TRX ports is a model other than IC-F5060/F6060 or if either of the EXT ports is used, you must manually optimize the default audio levels by doing the steps below.
      1. Initially select a model in [Transceiver Model] that is different than the model you are using, and then click <Apply>.
      2. Finally select the model in the [Transceiver Model] that is the actual model you are using, and then again click <Apply>.
      3. Do the steps for all TRX and EXT (if used) ports, even if one had the IC-F5060/F6060 selected.
File Size 3.72MB
File Type zip

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