Icom in the Community
At Icom, the slogan, "For the love of ham radio" is about the passion for an incredible hobby! To share this, we sponsor various events and podcasts for others to learn and share in the passion. Please share these links with your friends!
Audio/Video Podcasts

Ham Nation
Ham Nation is a bi-weekly show hosted by Josh Nass - KI6NAZ on the Ham Radio Crash Course YouTube channel that covers all things Ham Radio.
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AmateurLogic is a monthly show created by George Thomas and Tommy Martin covering a wide range of Ham Radio and Technology topics. With over 11,000 YouTube subscribers, AmatuerLogic consistently delivers valuable information for amateur radio operators at every skill level.
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Ham College
Ham College is a monthly show focused on obtaining your Amateur Radio license or upgrading to General. Hosts, George Thomas and Tommy Martin even help you prepare for your Amateur license exam. Ham College is a must watch for new amateurs or those wanting to get into the hobby!
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W5KUB.COM webcasting began in 2001 and has come a long way since those days of experimentation, low bandwidth. crude webcams, and operating with zero funding. Tom Medlin got his ham license in 1964 and was issued the Novice call of WN5KUB. Within months, he also obtained his Technician license. Later he received his General and Extra Class license. Tom also holds the former FCC First Class Radio Telephone license with Radar Endorsement. It is now called the General Radio Telephone license. Tom Is also a Senior Member of the IEEE. The early webcasting days were mostly for fun and an attempt to stream a long road trip or ham event so his friends could watch. Read more >
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ARRL - Eclectic Tech
Icom America is proud to be a sponsor of ARRL's podcast, Eclectic Tech.
Eclectic Tech is a bi-weekly podcast that features news, interviews, and commentary about technology and science, all with a ham radio twist.
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ARRL - On The Air
Icom America is proud to be a sponsor of ARRL's podcast, On The Air.
On the Air is a monthly companion to On the Air magazine, ARRL's magazine for beginner-to-intermediate ham radio operators.
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RadioaficiĆ³n Puerto Rico
Hola...Se habla Español? While focused on ham happenings in Puerto Rico, join the team at Radioafición Puerto Rico to see how they are promoting Amateur Radio to youth and adults alike. Look at how the Host Osvaldo Rosado, NP3QL and Isidro DeJesus, WP4NXI, bring excitement of Amateur Radio to the Caribbean!
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Radioafición Puerto Rico
(YouTube Channel)
Community Websites

QRZ.com is a website with a database of almost every amateur radio callsign in the world. Fred L. Lloyd founded the site in 1990 and put in a huge amount of effort, while working with the FCC, to create a CD-ROM with all callsigns issued. The CD-ROM is carried on board the International Space Station (ISS) as well as the Russian space station, Mir. Today, QRZ.com is one of the most recognized and most useful websites in the amateur radio space.
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WA7BNM Contest Calendar
amateur radio contests throughout the world, including their scheduled dates/times, rules summaries, log submission information and links to the official rules as published by the contest sponsors.
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D-STARusers.org is your source for D-STAR Digital information. The site features a list of the most recently heard D-STAR repeaters, plus other resources such as D-STAR maps, a repeater directory and third party applications that are compatible with D-STAR.
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DX-World.net is a free-to-read, non-subscription DX news service mainly for DXers and IOTA enthusiasts. In actual fact it’s a resource most other DX news outlets use and we’re proud not to charge anyone a single cent to read.
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Northern California DX Foundation, Inc.
The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) was founded in 1972 to assist worthwhile amateur radio (ham radio) and scientific projects with funding and equipment. Icom has worked with the NCDXF on their Beacon project, which uses IC-7200s at each location. Learn more
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The Radio Club of America
Icom is a proud member of the Radio Club of America. Founded in 1909, the Radio Club of America is the oldest, most prestigious group of wireless communications professionals in the world, with members across the globe. Its members are dedicated to the wireless art and science for the betterment of society. The Radio Club of America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all contributions made to RCA are tax exempt.
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Ham Study
Ham Study is a free to use study support website to help you get your ham license or upgrade for US and Canadian users. Additionally, you can use Ham Study’s FCC commercial elements to study for your GROL as well.
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CW Ops
A unique contest in three, four hour sessions, to log as many CW stations during those three, four hour sessions. This is the perfect way to improve your CW skills with a chance to win without the fatigue of a 24-hour or 48-hour contest.
CW Academy
Learn Morse Code from CW experts. Perfect for any operator from a beginner to someone wanting to increase their code speed.
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D-STAR InfoCon
D-STAR's premier training event is a class for those just getting started in D-STAR and those looking to add to their D-STAR experience. The class is taught by experienced instructors from the Georgia D-STAR group who present seminars and training across the country.
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National Scout Jamboree/Station Loan Program - In May 2012 at the Dayton Hamvention®, Icom America and the Boy Scouts of America announced a sponsorship agreement for the K2BSA operation at the 2013 National Scout Jamboree. Icom is the exclusive amateur radio transceiver and repeater sponsor for the Jamboree. In addition, Icom America is sponsoring an amateur radio station loan program for local Boy Scout councils beginning this year. In October 2015, Icom and Boy Scouts of America announced a renewal of the sponsorship agreement and the associated programs through 2018. This includes providing transceivers for the 2017 National Jamboree. Check out our blog post explaining how Icom is mentoring the next generation of hams.
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Winter Field Day
Winter Field Day is a worldwide outdoor and on-the-air amateur radio communications exercise. It is formatted to help increase your preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills. The event is held during the last full weekend in January. A set of guidelines is released each year, describing various objectives and exercises for participants to accomplish within the 24-hour operational timeframe. Setting up a field station, using multiple antennas, and operating without commercial power are a few of the many objectives you will encounter. If you're ready for a challenge, join us for an engaging and rewarding experience during Winter Field Day.
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Pathfinder: The Gathering
The Ohio-based Pathfinder School Worldwide presents the 2022 Pathfinder Gathering. From July 7 to July 10, attendees participate in classes on all things survival. From emergency shelter configuration to cooking with cast iron and map reading, Pathfinder School Worldwide will prepare you for your next adventure.
Click here for more information about the event.
See David Canterbury's YouTube channel to learn more.
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Contest University
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to gain knowledge that may take you years of practice, trial and error or lost time to learn otherwise. Get the edge to improve your scores and put your station in the winner’s circle today! As in the past, Icom will sponsor a Live Stream from Contest University. Check out the recorded sessions from previous Contest University sessions on Icom's YouTube channel.
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WRTC 2022 is the World Radiosport Team Championship, being held in Bologna, Italy. This is an on-site ham radio competition that is held every four years. It provides a platform for the world’s leading amateurs to compete and show their impressive contesting skills. As a leading manufacturer of amateur radio equipment, Icom is proud to provide a financial commitment as the first Platinum Level Sponsor for this world-wide contesting event.
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State QSO Party
Icom America has partnered with the organizers of the State QSO Party Challenge for 2020 and 2021. As a partner, Icom America Inc will assist with costs associated with the five level awards. For this event, amateurs participate in any approved State QSO Party (SQPs). Participants must simply submit their scores to 3830Scores.com to be included in the Challenge. Qualifying participants will be awarded upon five levels of achievement–Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.
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Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure
Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure is an organization that sends young hams age 12-17 with a parent to Costa Rica during the summer to operate as DX. During this time, three young radio amateurs, accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, will make the trip. With the purpose of operating DX and learning the finer points of handling pileups, working gray line propagation and antennas, this year's trip will surely be an excellent experience for all!
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DX Pedition Trophy
DX Pedition Trophy, or DXPT, is an annual event that brings together friends of the hobby from around the world, and acts as an entryway into the world of DX Pedition. During the year, the DX Committee determines a global QSO log count that participants must meet, and declares a winner at the competition’s conclusion. In 2020, Icom America became a Gold sponsor of DXPT.
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Team Exuberance
Team Exuberance is dedicated to creating, advising, and facilitating radiosport and DX related activities for young people in amateur radio. Icom America is proud to be a sponsor of Team Exuberance.
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Youth on the Air
Youth on the Air is a program for and by young amateur radio operators in the Americas, with the goal of the program is to build skills and foster lasting friendships and mentors with younger hams. Icom America is proud to be a sponsor of Youth on the Air.
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Contest Online ScoreBoard
Contest Online ScoreBoard (COSB) provides the HAM community with real-time and robust server functionality, which allows all hams to participate in North American contests on both local and large scales. Icom America is proud to be a sponsor of COSB's mission.
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ARRL Sweepstakes
Beginning in 1930, the ARRL’s annual November Sweepstakes is the oldest domestic contest. Perfect for new contesters or smaller stations as it is a competition specifically for North American stations – individuals, teams, and clubs. While usually an inaugural contest for many US and Canadian hams, it quickly becomes a yearly schedule and great for working on the Worked all States awards.
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North American QSO Party
Whether *a new or seasoned contester, the North American QSO Parties are perfect to honing your skills. No amplifiers allowed, makes this a favorite as you don’t have to fight it out with the "Big Gun" contest stations running full legal limit.
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North American SSB Sprint Contest
The North American Sprints (usually just called "Sprints") are short, intense competitions, lasting only four hours and using the 80, 40 and 20-meter bands exclusively. Demanding that participants be on their toes at all times, they are designed to challenge the best amateur radio operators, while allowing others to sharpen their skills. Contests are open to any Amateur Radio licensee and take place in Spring and Fall each year.
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Hawaii QSO Party
The Hawaii QSO has the same concept as the NAQP, but focuses on QSOs where Hawaii as the focal point for operators trying to log a new ARRL DXCC Entity as well as the US’ 50th State.
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